- Period: From 2009 to today: 7 agreements between AgID and CNR
- Actors involved: Working group on health sector coding systems
- Activities:
- Creation of web services for accessing and managing coding systems: Integrated Terminology Service (STI )
- Creation of a web service for the compilation of the synthetic health profile: AnalizzaPSS
- Exploratory survey on the state of implementation of the ESF and the health record keeping services
- Drafting of Implementation Guide CDA Rel.2 HL7 Italy
- Impact and challenges:
- Allow for a consistent definition of document management processes and significant reuse and exchange of clinical information for social, political and scientific purposes.
- Efficient organization, management and exchange of clinical knowledge ensuring the semantic interoperability of health data
Optimization of the workflow and processes of the Electronic Health Record (ESF7)
- Period: 2018-2021
- Funds: AgID-CNR agreement
- General objective: Optimization of the document management process within healthcare companies
- Preparation of the technical annex to the Guidelines on the preservation of digital health documents
- Other activities:
- Drafting of Implementation Guide in CDA Rel.2 HL7 Italy
- Inclusion of STI in the list of sw reused for the PA
Integrated Terminology Service (STI)
- Period: November 2016 – December 2018
- Funds: AgID-CNR agreement
- General objective: To develop an Integrated Terminology Service in the form of a web service to facilitate the use, management and integration of clinical standards within the ESF which is:
- Based on the Common Terminology Services – Release 2 (CTS2) HL7 semantic interoperability standard protocol;
- Open source;
- Scalable and extendable;
- Used as a common platform for coding systems and terminology updates used in the ESF context
Analyze PSS
- Period: February 2016 – September 2017
- Funds: AgID – CNR agreement
- Partner: IIT-CNR, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Italian WHO Collaborating Center for the Classification Family
- Objective: To develop, within the ESF, a validation system to support GPs during the encoding of the Synthetic Health Profile (PSS), in particular as regards the encoding in ICD-9-CM of the list of relevant problems, procedures and interventions
- Compliance with HL7 CDA Rel. 2.0 standard
- Based on the definition and formalization of coding rules
- Based on textual similarity algorithms
The PSS:
- summarizes the patient’s clinical history and current situation by facilitating the exchange of information between the various actors involved in the provision of health services
- to promote continuity of care, allowing a quick overview of the patient at the time of contact with the NHS, proving useful in emergency and first aid situations.