- Retrieve the medical records of the former psychiatric hospital of Reggio Calabria by cleaning and disinfestation through a system that, in the absence of oxygen, is capable of eliminating any pest insects regardless of the state of their life cycle;
- And make the archival filing of the first 550 medical records of the former psychiatric hospital of Girifalco (CZ);
- Check the compatibility of the data collection tools used in the CNR “Alpha” project and those necessary to populate the database of the “Carta da Legare” project
- Populate the Cards portal to be linked with data from the first 550 medical records of the former psychiatric hospital of Girifalco (CZ) relating to the period 1881-1894.
To share data as part of the “Tie Cards” project coordinated by the Directorate General of Archives.
- By 2 steps:
- Recovery and transfer of the archival heritage of the former psychiatric hospital of Reggio Calabria to the premises of the IIT CNR, headquarters in Cosenza;
- Collection and analysis of the socio-economic and health data existing on the medical records and their filing in the “Cards to bind” portal, as per expression of interest (note n. SA-CCA 1496 of 22.04.2016).